Productivity Improvement By Reducing Waiting Time And Over Production Using Lean Manufacturing Technique
International Journal of Recent Engineering Science (IJRES) | |
© 2020 by IJRES Journal | ||
Volume-7 Issue-4 |
Year of Publication : 2020 | ||
Authors : Ramasubramaniam P |
DOI : 10.14445/23497157/IJRES-V7I4P104 |
MLA Style :Ramasubramaniam P "Productivity Improvement By Reducing Waiting Time And Over Production Using Lean Manufacturing Technique" International Journal of Recent Engineering Science 7.4(2020):20-26.
APA Style :Ramasubramaniam P. Productivity Improvement By Reducing Waiting Time And Over Production Using Lean Manufacturing Technique International Journal of Recent Engineering Science, 7(4),20-26.
To survive in the market, the goal of any manufacturing industry is to produce goods at the lowest time possible and the lowest cost. Thus, it was decided to implement lean to improve productivity. Generally, in an industry, more focus is given on profit. Though there are different expenditures involved in cost reduction internally spent by industry through finding wastages, avoiding and improving faulty work would end in vast reserves. A study was carried out in a garment industry located at TIRUPUR, TAMILNADU, INDIA, at sewing section to identify non-productive actions to eradicate them for saving time, cost and improve internal throughput time.
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Productivity, lean manufacturing