Capacity Analysis Laboratory Testing 2.4 GHz WLAN and Bluetooth Version 3 & 4 using Time Study Method
MLA Style :Gayuh Raditya Prabandanu, Dery Permana Maha Putra, Irham Alqais, Humiras Hardi Purba "Capacity Analysis Laboratory Testing 2.4 GHz WLAN and Bluetooth Version 3 & 4 using Time Study Method" International Journal of Recent Engineering Science 5.6(2018):8-15.
APA Style :Gayuh Raditya Prabandanu, Dery Permana Maha Putra, Irham Alqais, Humiras Hardi Purba, Capacity Analysis Laboratory Testing 2.4 GHz WLAN and Bluetooth Version 3 & 4 using Time Study Method. International Journal of Recent Engineering Science, 5(6),8-15.
As the number of production increases (mainly the production of telecommunication equipment), which also influences the increasing demand for WLAN and Bluetooth testing, it is necessary to analyze the adequacy and operational readiness of the resources (in this case, the support machines and labor) that support the implementation of WLAN and Bluetooth testing at the laboratory. The purpose of this study is to determine the default time for Wlan and Bluetooth testing and calculate the laboratory capacity in conducting Wlan and Bluetooth testing based on the number of currents and future testing requests. The method used is to use a time study. By determining the standard time of testing WLAN and Bluetooth in the Laboratory, it was then calculating the capacity in conducting WLAN and Bluetooth testing, based on the number of current and future testing requests, so that a step can be obtained to optimize the WLAN and Bluetooth testing process in the laboratory. The analysis of the results of data processing shows that currently, the new laboratory can meet 53.03% of requests received. To overcome capacity shortages, efforts must be made to increase capacity by increasing the number of operators, followed by adding the number of machines and work tools. Also, from testing requests in 2016 and 2017, there was an increase in requests by 3.39% per year. This data acquisition can be used as a basis for laboratory capacity analysis for the next few years.
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WLAN, Bluetooth measurement, and time study method.