Application of the Failure Modes Method, Effects and Analysis and Fault Tree Analysis in Analyzing the Failure of the Glass Product Making Process (Case Study of PT. X)
MLA Style :Teguh Widodo, Ahmadi, Okol S Suharyo, Arica Dwi Susanto "Application of the Failure Modes Method, Effects and Analysis and Fault Tree Analysis in Analyzing the Failure of the Glass Product Making Process (Case Study of PT. X)" International Journal of Recent Engineering Science 5.5(2018):9-14.
APA Style :Teguh Widodo, Ahmadi, Okol S Suharyo, Arica Dwi Susanto, Application of the Failure Modes Method, Effects and Analysis and Fault Tree Analysis in Analyzing the Failure of the Glass Product Making Process (Case Study of PT. X). International Journal of Recent Engineering Science, 5(5),9-14.
Industrial development nowadays is relatively fast; almost all companies want to get optimal benefits and can minimize costs incurred. PT. X has exported its products in the form of glassware. The production failure experienced by the company is still high at 3.1% of the total production while the defect target that the company wants is 2%. This study used Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) methods to identify failures that occur and provide preventive solutions. The purpose of this study was to identify the types of defects that occur in glass products PT. X based on the results of a literature study search and deep interview with employees of PT. X. It was known that PT X got the biggest risk of failure of the production process in the RPN (Risk Priority Number) value of the FMEA method which was then re-analyzed using the FTA method. The proposed improvements were determined to get the results. The type of defect that occurs most often is rupture before the annealing process, and the proposed improvement needs are to wait for about 10 minutes because the uneven molecules can be flattened and much labour is needed in that section and cause defects. The second sequence is the driving motor that is in the mixer, and the proposed improvement is regular checking and periodic maintenance.
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Quality Control, Causes of Defect Product, FMEA, FTA, RPN.