Numerical Calculation Analysis of Lift and Bow Thruster Design of Class LCAC Hovercraft

  IJRES-book-cover  International Journal of Recent Engineering Science (IJRES)          
© 2018 by IJRES Journal
Volume-5 Issue-5
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Sutikno Wahyu Hidayat, Ahmadi, Okol S Suharyo, Arica Dwi Susanto
DOI :    10.14445/23497157/IJRES-V5I5P101


MLA Style :Sutikno Wahyu Hidayat, Ahmadi, Okol S Suharyo, Arica Dwi Susanto "Numerical Calculation Analysis of Lift and Bow Thruster Design of Class LCAC Hovercraft" International Journal of Recent Engineering Science 5.5(2018):1-8. 

APA Style :Sutikno Wahyu Hidayat, Ahmadi, Okol S Suharyo, Arica Dwi Susanto, Numerical Calculation Analysis of Lift and Bow Thruster Design of Class LCAC Hovercraft. International Journal of Recent Engineering Science, 5(5),1-8.

Class LCAC Hovercraft is a hovercraft that can support military operations in transport and distribution of logistics and other combat equipment. Indonesia only has a hovercraft, which is used to transport personnel only. This study aimed to analyze the lift style and design of the bow thruster to obtain the great style and the right blade design in detail. Therefore, the characteristics corresponding to numerical calculation of 200.56 m3 /s Air Volume Elevator Volume, 4905.5 N/m2Total fan pressure, 1000 mm Outside diameter, 700 mm Input Diameter, 15 Blades, 322 mm Impeller Leaf Width, 0.776 Efficiency could be obtained.

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Hovercraft, Lift, Bow Thruster, LCAC.