Quality Control by Methods Control X and R in Value Insulation Products TV Model 21ES251E2 in Electronic Fabrication Company in Indonesia
MLA Style :Humiras Hardi Purba, Rahmat Dodi Prasetyo "Quality Control by Methods Control X and R in Value Insulation Products TV Model 21ES251E2 in Electronic Fabrication Company in Indonesia" International Journal of Recent Engineering Science 5.2(2018):10-13.
APA Style :Humiras Hardi Purba, Rahmat Dodi Prasetyo, Quality Control by Methods Control X and R in Value Insulation Products TV Model 21ES251E2 in Electronic Fabrication Company in Indonesia. International Journal of Recent Engineering Science, 5(2),10-13.
An electronic fabrication company in Indonesia is a company that produces various kinds of electronic goods, including TV (TV), LCD, and refrigerator. Companies with the right quality products will attract consumers to buy their products, but in a more effective process of production processes in all companies, although there are many better ones. Based on these conditions done with quality as an effort to maintain the quality of the products produced. The problem that emerged in this research is how the quality of Isolation on TV model 21ES251E2. After doing quality testing of Insulation value on TV model 21ES251E2 in an Electronic fabrication company in Indonesia using X a control chart and R, it can be said that the quality of Isolation value on TV model 21ES251E2 is still in the excellent category.
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Electronic fabrication company in Indonesia, Control Chart X and R, TV Model 21ES251E2