Study of Characteristic Physical and Mechanic of Foamed Lightweight Concrete with Fly Ash Added for Wall Materials

  IJRES-book-cover  International Journal of Recent Engineering Science (IJRES)          
© 2018 by IJRES Journal
Volume-5 Issue-1
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Chundakus Habsya, Kuncoro Diharjo , Prabang Setyono , Prasasto Satwiko
DOI :    10.14445/23497157/IJRES-V5I1P106


MLA Style :Chundakus Habsya, Kuncoro Diharjo , Prabang Setyono , Prasasto Satwiko  "Study of Characteristic Physical and Mechanic of Foamed Lightweight Concrete with Fly Ash Added for Wall Materials" International Journal of Recent Engineering Science 5.1(2018):26-31. 

APA Style :Chundakus Habsya, Kuncoro Diharjo , Prabang Setyono , Prasasto Satwiko, Study of Characteristic Physical and Mechanic of Foamed Lightweight Concrete with Fly Ash Added for Wall Materials.  International Journal of Recent Engineering Science, 5(1),26-31.

The self-weight of foamed lightweight concrete is lighter than normal concrete nor brick. Application of foamed lightweight concrete on the wall of high rise buildings will decrease the structural load. With a lower structural load, the structural dimension will significantly decrease and also construction costs. Utilization of fly ash waste as an added material of sand on lightweight concrete will reduce the negative impact on the environment and increase the strength of concrete. This study will examine the physical and mechanical characteristics of lightweight foam concrete for wall materials referring to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Comparison used 1 cement: 1 aggregate. Aggregates consist of sand and fly ash added material 0%, 15%, 30%, 45%, 60%, and 75% by weight of sand. Cement water factor 0.35, and foam 30%, 40% and 50% of lightweight concrete volume. The cylinder sample dimension is 75 mm in diameters and 150 mm in height— the number of test samples of compressive strength, water absorption, and a specific gravity of 170 units. The results of the research are the density of the foamed lightweight concrete of 868.4 - 1582.4 kg / m3 fulfilled the criteria as lightweight concrete. The novelty of this research is the optimal compressive strength of various percentages of foam achieved at 45% fly ash. Foam with 30% has a compressive strength of 12.52 MPa fulfill the quality of I, foam with 40% has a compressive strength of 6.75 MPa fulfill the quality of III, and foam with 50% has a compressive strength of 1.66 MPa does not fulfill the quality of SNI. The lowest water absorption is 5.12%, 8.35%, and 15.97% fulfill the quality of I SNI at the 45% fly ash, Self-weight of 1 m2 wall of foamed lightweight concrete thickness of 120 mm 25.88% lighter than a halfbrick brick wall with the same area.

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foamed lightweight concrete; foam; fly ash; wall material.