The Influence of the Volley Ball Serve Training Methods to the Overhand Serve Skills from Gender Consideration (An Experiment Research using the Near Target to Far Target and the Far Target to Nearer Target for Volley Ball Extracurricular Students of SMP N 2 Adipala)
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International Journal of Recent Engineering Science (IJRES) | ![]() |
© 2017 by IJRES Journal | ||
Volume-4 Issue-4 |
Year of Publication : 2017 | ||
Authors : PradiptaArdiPrastowo |
DOI : 10.14445/23497157/IJRES-V4I4P106 |
How to Cite?
PradiptaArdiPrastowo, "The Influence of the Volley Ball Serve Training Methods to the Overhand Serve Skills from Gender Consideration (An Experiment Research using the Near Target to Far Target and the Far Target to Nearer Target for Volley Ball Extracurricular Students of SMP N 2 Adipala)," International Journal of Recent Engineering Science, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 23-27, 2017. Crossref,
This research is aimed at finding out: 1. The influence of using the near target to further target and the far target to nearer target to the volley ball overhand serve skill of SMP N 2 Adipala volley ball extracurricular students. 2. The gender influence to the volley ball overhand serve skill. 3. The interactions between service training and the gender to the volley ball overhand serve skill. This research used experimental method. The population of this research were 45 volley ball extracurricular students of SMP N 2 Adipala. The purposive random sampling was used in this research. It took 40 students according to the gender that classified into two groups, males and females. The samples of this research wer 20 males students and 20 females students. The data collection technique used in this reaserch were tests and measurements. The data that was collected was volley ball overhand serve according to Nurhasan and Hasanuddin (2007). The data analysis technique was ANAVA 2x2 and Newman Keuls test. The result of this research are: (1) There was a different influence between using the near target to the further target and the far target to the nearer target to the volley ball overhand serve skill of SMP N 2 Adipala volley ball extracurricular students. Fcount= 12.457 higher than Ftable = 4.11 (F0 > Ft) on 5% of significance level. (2) There was significance difference to the overhand serve skill improvement of male students and female students. Fcount= 20.593 higher than Ftable = 4.11 (F0 > Ft) on 5% of significance level. (3) There was an interaction between volley ball overhand serve training and gender to the volley ball overhand serve skill. Fcount= 4.484 higher than Ftable = 4.11 (F0 > Ft) on 5% of significance level.
overhand serve skill, gender, target
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