NoSQL Databases: state-of-the-art and Security Challenges
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International Journal of Recent Engineering Science (IJRES) | ![]() |
© 2015 by IJRES Journal | ||
Volume-2 Issue-5 |
Year of Publication : 2015 | ||
Authors : Rabi Prasad Padhy, Deepti Panigrahy |
DOI : 10.14445/23497157/IJRES-V2I5P106 |
How to Cite?
Rabi Prasad Padhy, Deepti Panigrahy, " NoSQL Databases: state-of-the-art and Security Challenges," International Journal of Recent Engineering Science, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 36-43, 2015. Crossref,
Traditional RDBMS's were facing challenges in meeting the performance and scale requirements of Big Data. NoSQL stores present themselves as alternatives that can handle huge volume of data, support for next-generation web applications and offer a significant change to how enterprise applications are built. These databases are commonly schema-less, easy replication support, simple API, eventually consistent / BASE (not ACID), So these databases are used more and more in companies and startups where there is a huge need to dig the ‘big-data’ treasures. This research paper describes the NoSQL database background, basic characteristics, data models & architecture. In addition, this paper classifies NoSQL databases according to the CAP theorem. Finally, the mainstream NoSQL databases are described in detail and extract some properties to help enterprises to choose NoSQL. Consequently we also identified research challenges, security measures and future prospects of NOSQL databases.
NoSQL Data Store, Big Data, Hbase, Cassandra, MangoDB, Cloud Database;
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