The International Journal of Recent Engineering Science: IJRES is a double-blind, peer-reviewed international journal providing a high-quality forum for disseminating knowledge and advancing original research and reviews in all areas of engineering and science. The journal's primary purpose is to publish cutting-edge research that advances the state of the art and significantly impacts all areas of engineering and science. The journal is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity, ethical publishing, and innovative research. The journal is particularly interested in publishing articles that report on new and innovative research findings and articles that review the state of the art in a particular field. The journal also welcomes submissions of short communications and case studies.

The specific goals of the IJRES are committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical publishing. IJRES's objective is to cultivate a community of individuals who share a common goal of advancing the frontiers of knowledge in Engineering science and aspire to foster an environment that encourages like-minded professionals to collaborate, exchange ideas, and promote intellectual growth. The fundamental vision of the journal is to share novel research ideas in related fields and attract a global audience of readers and authors. The journal particularly welcomes submissions that address emerging and interdisciplinary Topics, as well as those with a solid potential to bring about practical impact.

Authors Geographical Coverage : USA, India, Tanzania, Indonesia, Nigeria, Russia, Algeria, Turkey, Bangladesh, Tunisia, Taiwan, Italy, Iran, Zimbabwe, France, China, Iraq, Myanmar, Egypt, Japan, etc.