Cost Optimization of Chikoko-Cement Concrete Using Scheffe’s Polynomial Function

  IJRES-book-cover  International Journal of Recent Engineering Science (IJRES)          
© 2019 by IJRES Journal
Volume-6 Issue-3
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : C. E. Okere and S. Sule
DOI :    10.14445/23497157/IJRES-V6I3P101


MLA Style :C. E. Okere and S. Sule "Cost Optimization of Chikoko-Cement Concrete Using Scheffe’s Polynomial Function" International Journal of Recent Engineering Science 6.3(2019):1-8. 

APA Style :C. E. Okere and S. Sule, Cost Optimization of Chikoko-Cement Concrete Using Scheffe’s Polynomial Function. International Journal of Recent Engineering Science, 6(3),1-8.

In this paper, Scheffe’s simplex lattice design technique is used to optimize the overall cost of chikoko-cement concrete. The cost model was developed based on the unit costs of the chikokocement concrete ingredients. The predicted cost values were compared with the observed cost values and were found to be in consonance at all points of observation. The reliability of the model was investigated using F statistic at a 5% level of significance and was found to be adequate. A computer program written in BASIC language was invoked to select the optimum mix ratios corresponding to a given cost value and vice versa. The computer program requires less effort to execute.

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